J. Swart – M. Rolff – D. Rotella Trio
Joost Swart
– Piano
Massimiliano Rolff – Double Bass
Daviano Rotella – Drums



“After Dark Tour” 10 > 17 December – Décembre – Dicembre 2012

10/12 – Primocanale Sound (Sky 515)
11/12 – Day Off
12/12 – Option
13/12 – Le Cantine De L’Arena – Verona
14/12 – Available
15/12 – Count Basie Jazz Club – Genova
16/12 – Available
17/12 – Option

For more information
Phone: +39 0185 36 45 00
E-mail: joostswartbooking@blueartmanagement.com

The most interesting pianist of the new dutch jazz scene. 
Joost Swart has grown musically close to the the greatest pianists, and has been for 5 years on the prestigious stage of the North Sea Jazz Festival. 
After a strong time on the New York scene he’s back on the european scene, touring in the best festivals, clubs and theaters.
 In the last years he also toured many times Japan, Africa and South America. His new trio is with Massimiliano Rolff on double bass and Daviano Rotella on drums, two of the most expert jazz musicians of the italian scene.
Their new album “After Dark“, will be soon released by BlueArt.

Swart est le pianiste le plus intéressant dans le panorama musical hollandais. 
Il a grandit musicalement parlant à côté de grands pianistes. Il a participé au North Sea Jazz Festival cinq ans de suite.
 Après avoir vécu un moment intense à Newyork, il retourne en Europe sur le devant de la scène. 
Ces dernières années il s’est produit en plusieurs tournées au Japon et en Asie. 
Pour l’occasion il s’accompagne par deux musiciens experts. En collaboration avec Massimiliano Rolff à la contrebasse et Daviano Rotella à la batterie, Joost Swart sortira prochainement son dernier cd “After Dark” sur le label BlueArt.

Il pianista più interessante dlla nuova scena olandese.
Cresciuto musicalmente a fianco di grandi pianisti,
presente per cinque anni di fila all’importante North Sea Jazz Festival.
Dopo l’intenso periodo sulla scena newyorkese e protagonista di numerosi tour
in Giappone e sud est asiatico, torna in Europa.
Per l’occasione si accompagna a due esperti musicisti della scena italiana:
Massimiliano Rolff al contrabbasso e Daviano Rotella alla batteria.
Presentano il loro ultimo disco
After Dark”